Keen on South Tyrolean craftsmanship & architecture?


At our carpentry workshop, we welcome enthusiastic individuals with a passion for craftsmanship and technology. Here, you have the opportunity to master a robust craft, gain insights into an internationally operating company, and immerse yourself with the world of interior design.

Take your chance and apply:

Job openings

Our open positions:


Carpenter / Cabinet maker


Interior fitter


CNC Milling Technician


Carpentry Apprentice


Technical Drafter (Work Preparation)




Technical Procurement Specialist



Our Benefits


Flexibility in working hours to promote a balanced lifestyle

Meal vouchers

Additional support for meals or grocery shopping

Attractive compensation

Competitive remuneration that rewards performance

Training and advancement opportunities

Programs for further education and career development

Individual onboarding

Personal support for new employees

Health fund

Financial assistance for healthcare expenses

Pension fund

Future-oriented retirement provision

Parking facility

Parking options for all employees in close proximity

Public transportation

Public transportation access in close proximity

Employee kitchen

Fully equipped kitchen with microwave

Welcome gift

Small gift to welcome new employees

Employee club

Shared activities to promote team spirit

Beverages & snacks

Water and fresh fruit for everyone

Birthday cake

Celebratory recognition of employee birthdays

Foosball table

Entertainment and distraction for employees during breaks

Join our Team!

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